What Big Problem Does It Solve?

Many new diseases have cropped up from growing population and gradual climatic changes. This has created another pressure to our existing staggering health care services. People facing the poor conditions of hospitals and heavy crowd pressure to eligible doctors usually ignore the calling of minor health issues which may be fatal some times. In accident and emergency people find themselves in a helpless situation.Considering the above facts we thought to develop a dedicated app that can provide access to the doctors,hospitals,medicine,police station,ambulance etc with the feature to enable people to ask help or extend help to needy ones from their places itself. Refugee Crisis, On going large scale people movement (e.g. Undeveloped to Developed, Rural to Urban) and management of fast moving diseases (e.g. Ebola, Zika) are straining health and social service systems and driving demand for more health care professionals around the world.

What Big Problem Does It Solve?

  • Life expectancy is projected to increase by “one year” during 2020 which will increase the aging population over 65 years old by 8%.
  • Health spending in India at 6% of GDP is among highest levels estimated for developing countries.
  • Virtual health care has a strong future in India.
  • Technology which enables patients to manage their own health is the key to improving care promoting efficiency and cutting costs.